Thursday, April 12, 2007

Notes On Some Scandals

Since this was posted, Don Imus has been fired by CBS, and Mike Nifong has apologized to the former Duke lacrosse players.

Neil Explains It All

Truth is worth more than pride.

Just My Thoughts

Just what's been going through my mind concerning Don Imus, the Duke lacrosse scandal, and the NFL Suspensions...
  • While I thought Don Imus's remarks concerning the Rutger's basketball team were racist, sexist, and dumb, I was not personally hurt by them. I've heard worse on 96 Wave.
  • Why do so many want to be loud, angry, and stupid?
  • There's just too much meanness afoot, but I also think some are using it to their advantage both as sponsors and victims of it.
  • I find this all completely fascinating.
  • Haven't made up my mind if Imus should be fired. There are so many loud boorish people on the radio, and while he's a prominent person, he's just the tip of a ugly iceberg.
  • The color that will decide his fate is green, not black or white.
  • He and his producer thought they were being funny to those that think that sort of thing is funny, but isn't. There's a difference in being politically incorrect and just plain vile.
  • He doesn't realize the depth and breath of his remarks--hair/sexuality/beauty/skin color among blacks. There's so much we haven't come to grips with--so much I have yet to come to grips with in the way I see myself.
  • The people he really needs to apologize to are the women on that basketball team. Hopefully, he will do so.
  • Why do so many in the media think that Sharpton and Jackson speak for all black people? Please stop!!!
  • Sharpton never impressed me, and I lost all respect for Jackson when he felt it was okay to play Take Your Mistress to the White House Day. Dude, you are supposed to be a man of God.
  • While there are people whose opinions I respect and admire, I can think for myself and come to my own conclusions.
  • I believe there's media bias, not so much based on right or left--although that's certainly a factor, but on ratings and advertising revenue.
  • Money talks and everything else can walk.
  • How many people will come on his show to "kiss his ring" now?
  • When I first heard the Duke case last year, I was so angry. It dredged up a time a terrible time in history for so many black women who had no recourse by law if they were assaulted.
  • I totally believed the accuser, and just knew that they three men accused were guilty sleazeballs.
  • As the evidence came in --no DNA match, no witnesses, the accuser changing stories--I had to questions my own beliefs. I pride myself on logic and evidence, and I wasn't using it here. I don't know what happened that night, and probably never will, but these men did not rape this woman. I just got caught up in the hype, a rush to summary judgement, and my own prejudice.
  • The prosecutor did need to investigate the charges, as well to weigh the evidence, and honestly, there was none. The emotions of the case were so high, but he needed to do the right thing; he didn't, and people suffered.
  • When I watched the press conferences yesterday, I realized that these young men and their families were put through hell. I saw them as just young men who got caught up in something beyond them, and I realize how I had dehumanized them and demonized them because of their gender, race, and social status. I felt ashamed of myself.
  • For what it's worth. I'm so sorry. While they probably will never know, I need to make a public statement.
  • I hope others apologize too. The accuser certainly needs to. I really would like to hear from her.
  • I'm glad that the NFL commissioner suspended Chris Henry and Adam "Pacman" Jones.
  • Maybe they'll learn--maybe they won't, but the league's policy is clear.
  • I'm especially distressed about Jones's violence against women. This doesn't get a lot of play in the sports media.
  • I grew up poor, and while totally poverty sucks and is generally ignored in this country, it's not an excuse to be a criminal.
  • The poor are no more morally inferior than the rich are morally superior.
  • I don't think it's cool for black men to say degrading things about black women regardless of the context. It's not cool for anyone else to emulate that behavior either.
  • Too many of our young people are getting their values from violent media and not parents. Too many of our children are being raised by hip hop.
  • I love old school rap--Sugar Hill Gang, Kurtis Blow, etc., but I turned away from it once the hate,violence, and misogyny took over a lot of it. I know that all hip hop is not all bad, and there are artists doing positive things, but there's too much ugliness out there that needs to cease.
  • I wish we can get beyond the camps and tribes and stereotypes and just talk.
  • Honestly, we are just humans here--honestly.
  • If you got this far, thanks for reading this and bearing with me. Agree or disagree--both are okay by me. I just needed to get these things off my chest.